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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the section where I list out all potential questions of players about Top score ranking and other events! If you still have questions after reading this page, don't hesitate to ask me via Discord, School Idol Tomodachi and Twitter! 

Question: Why should a player try this kind of thing in an event?

Answer: This is not necessary at all throughout your whole LLSIF life, but players like us would like to do this at least once because it makes a special place in your lifetime. At least you will know that you did it once. No regrets, no complaints. If you are not into this, then whatever floats your boat.

Question: What's the ideal Rank of an account to do this?

Answer: For Medley Festivals, Rank 70 is the minimum for reaching 60 LP and playing 3 EX songs. As for other events, as long as you have the skills and teams on surviving songs, you are good to go! Note that higher ranks gets more advantage in terms of score ranking because of the LP we get. I started the event with Rank 186 and I used 245 Love Gems to reach over 700k score, while Elliptic started the event with Rank 141 and used 497 Love Gems to get 1.2 million points! So for me, try to get a rank where you feel comfortable of doing it, and just do it if you are prepared.

Question: Which place in an event considered as "Top score ranking players"?

Answer: Top 100, at least for me and subreddit in SIF. It is no easy task to score high in general, but I do believe players need to use over a hundred Love Gems in order to reach these places. Note that this refers to the Global version of the game, I have no idea about the standards in the JP and TW version.

Question: How many Love Gems do I need to spend to reach such high ranks?

Answer: This depends on your rank of the account, and this depends on how much you plan to aim for. But a minimum of 150 Gems is needed if you do aim high, and as the time goes, the game will implement more mechanics that tiering becomes easier and more competitive. So... save up at least 200 Gems I guess ^^ although whales will just laugh this off and say something like "Bruh 500 Gems or riot", tee hee~

Question: MIRAI!

Answer: ... Ticket. #sorrynotsorry

Question: When you do this, does the songs bore you? What did you do to overcome this?

Answer: I feel lucky for not doing this on a token event since you need to repeat the event song over 200 times to reach the top. As for me during this event, I pretty much know the beatmaps of all songs and if the songs happen to bore me, I usually connect my headset to my laptop which has YouTube, and there are two types of videos I use for listening: Songs and ASMR videos. If you are interested, I tend to open Shelter by Porter Robinson & Madeon, Aqours songs, Pentatonix songs and Yuri On Ice (Yuri's free program song). ASMR videos are used right before sleeping time to fall asleep as fast as possible. Heck, I remembered once that I told Takomiya that I FC'd Zurui yo Magnetic Today while listening to ASMR videos!

Question: How does one keep get motivated while playing?

Answer: Remind yourself of your best girl. Find communities which are willing to help you and support you. I was glad that I stumbled upon Nintendude's stream which let me feel that I am not alone doing this. The Discord communities helped me a lot too! Since we do not have the time to check the rankings often while playing, the people from the group helped me and Takomiya track the scores and ranks whenever we requested, and I do say without them, I would breakdown at some point due to fatigue! There are a lot of communities in Love Live! that will help you if you are brave to ask.

Question: How to make the sacrifice of Love Gems worth it?

Answer: I can only answer this if you are referring to Medley Festivals and Challenge Festivals. Use the GS Boost in medleys, and use GS Boost in Round 5 of every run of Challenge Festivals. With the arrival of School Idol Skills, you will get a lot of useless skills. Sell them for the gold! I got 24 Scouting tickets from the Gold/Silver rewards, and I am satisfied about the outcome of the sacrifice. As for the other events, you need to think about it yourself. Your best girl is probably the answer of this one.

Question: Do we really need to play non stop for the whole event to reach 1st place in an event?

Answer: Hell no. Nobody could survive that because that's a 240 non-sleep period then! There are players who only sleep an hour per day during events, and I can't really do that because I sleep like a dead corpse if I fall asleep. But I do pull some all-nighters during the event to catch up. Please remember to sleep because we all are human after all. But, if you really want to know how players in 1st place do it, it's better to ask them personally.

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