Welcome to Smg2daisy's journey to the Top 15 of Maki Challenge Festival!
In this page, you are going to read my journey from Zero to the top of this event. I hope this journal will give you the courage to do your best to your best girls, as well as understand how the top scores work in events~ If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me! I will provide the links to find me.
A Rank 186 acc, with 270 Love Gems.
"I want to score top at the Maki Chafes!"
Sounds like a dream for all Maki fans in Love Live! School Idol Festival. But she was serious about it. All the Love Gems were saved before the 4.0 update, she have been saving for the event that she wants to aim for, the holy Challenge Festival. The English server is going to get this event. Soon. Want to scout? Buy the 30 Million Fan Pack then. Events come once in your life and after that, it's gone forever. Remember that and keep saving.
Plans for the event? Well, making a timetable and a goal is the first thing to do! She created a timetable for herself, and set an affordable goal since this is the first time she tries to aim high in an event. In all events, the top scorers are mostly sharks and whales, and the chances of fishes like us winning is lower than ever. But who says fish can never triumph them? If it's impossible, then I will be the one to break the impossible! Positive words always work for motivation and action .
"What else can I do to prepare the event well? I have teams to survive all EX songs, I have 23 million gold for the battle, But what should I take care of to make sure nobody interrupts me during tiering?" She thought of something. Using her laptop, she clicked Skype and called a certain someone.
"From 31st of October to 9th of November, DON'T TRY TO CALL ME"
The other side of the call nodded, and she slammed the "Hang Call" button. Done. And the rest are small stuff that she need to prepare... a pen and paper to record all my Love Gem usage... coffee... water...
The phone charger and laptop charger must be in good shape, so are the devices. My Maki plush! Let's put her beside me so she can look after me. Do I miss anything else? Hmm, I don't think so. That's it.

Maki is invading my laptop ^^ So cute~
Before the event
During The Event
The time of me finishing my part-time job is the time when the event starts. Although the server was up by five minutes late, there was no way for her to magically appear in her room in an instant. She started the SR Rush 20 minutes late compared to others, and got the card after 2 hours and 30 minutes. But the 25k of effort doesn't excite her. She aimed high in this event. Instead of taking a break and screenshots like other players, she continued her journey to the top.

Apparently she's the 20th person to reach 200k points! Hooray! And the grinding went on according to her timetable. There were not much people knew about her goal of getting to the top of the ranks, but the people were nice and supported her by encouraging her to aim high for her best girl. Climbing the top ranks are always a fun journey during events. And at the same time, she was wondering if she should let more people in the community to know about herself. In her mind, she wants to let everyone know how much love and effort she puts on Maki. She doesn't want to be silent throughout the whole event.
"Let's see... Love Live streams during event. I remembered joining once a long time ago. If I join their group, does that mean that I might be the highest scorer in that group? Might as well join then..."
She was invited to the Discord server, and she starts to doodle around, thinking the possibilities to be found here.
And just when she thought of that, someone asked her an interesting question.
"Are you sure you are only aiming to the Top 50 in the event?"
Top 50... it sounds fine. But, is it enough?
This is not okay. This is not enough. I can be better than this. I totally can! But... who's that person?
Who's this person?
"Yo Takomiya! Going for Top 10, let's go!"
Top 10? Are you kidding me? She had a clear mind at that moment.
This group will be very interesting after all.
"Elliptic, I think I might change that to Top 20."

Top 20! Wait, who's that on top of me? >.>
This is my setup upon suffering. And "suffering" means tiering obviously! The water bottle is for hydration, Maki plush will always look after me, the mocha is to make sure I wake up, the notes are for Gem usage recording, and of course a laptop to talk to you all...
These are the fun times when there is a group of people who have similar goals as hers. Not feeling lonely, she had the community to support her even more, and they will always look after you, worrying about your health and ranks.

The green ticket myth in silver rewards! Since the goal is the top, we will eventually encounter these, right?

KLab, don't do this to me...

KLab, what did I just told you? >.>

I can just play again anyway. Take that, KLab!

RANK 200. 125LP, FeelsGoodMan ><

That's it, Klab. It's 1 AM and I cannot handle this anymore. I shall use my actions to show my anger >.>

KLab never listens to their players anyway.

600K points! owo need to go higher!
And time flies. It came to the last 25 hours of the event. Top scores probably will give their all to rush the scores. She had to stay up for 24 hours too for it. The food and coffee supplies were enough, the devices worked fine too. So, she took a nap before the final rush, and when the time's up, she started her final "Wonderful Rush". By the time she started, Takomiya was rushing it already! Such dedication! And the Rank was at the 5th place! This is amazing...
"Let's rush the event together."
She wore her glasses while playing to prevent her eyesight from getting worse than it could be. At the 8th hour of rushing, her eyes started itching and being wet due to lack of moisture and sleep. But she knew that she cannot stop. She had to do it to the final moment.
She was worried about Takomiya as well because he/she have a 5-6 hours time ahead of her. When she's having her 2AM, Takomiya could probably see the sunrise.
"Elliptic, are you awake?"
"Hey, wake up!"
Everyone in Discord was worried because there was no response. And after an hour, there was a message.
"Don't worry! I am full of energy to go to the top!"
Apparently Takomiya wants to stay in Top 5 to prevent the #6 player from getting up.
Everyone's scores kept going higher and higher. And by that, her morning was up, the wonderful rush has been 12 hours.
The morning was gloomy and it started raining. This was the worst day to rain. Whenever a rain is coming, she will sneeze a lot and feel bad.
Her fingers and feet started to freeze even though she tried to keep warm by wearing a jacket while playing. Her nose kept sneezing that she had to use tissues whenever there was seconds of free time during the game transition. And among all the worst, her eyes felt like burning and her eyes kept secrete water to make it moist, which affected her eyesight to look at the phone screen. And her forehead started to be warmer and warmer.
"Please don't give me a fever now."
3 Hours left. Mike's stream was over, and people were playing Board Game Online. Since there were a lot of players joining, she joined for some relaxation, but she was playing the event at the same time. It took a lot of time to get to her turn in that game, so she can play songs without any worries. And this happened.
It's her turn, and she rolled the dice. All she need to do was picking a class in-game. And when she was about to click the buttons, someone used items on her to make her unable to perform the acton and get it over with. Although the person doesn't had any bad intentions, this triggered her so much, as she's an experienced player in Board Game Online too.
She screamed in the voice channel that everyone got scared and let the item time went off to let her take control again to continue the game.
After the game's over, she looked at the game Rankings and asked: "Can I go to the 10th place?"

This was a huge challenge for her, but it was a ray of hope as well.
10th place is more than enough at this point.
"Please let me get the 10th spot..."
"gg 10th just moved up" ~ Takomiya in Discord
The ray of hope got smashed instantly without a trace. Well, I have 3 hours left...
"11th place is fine, then."
Just when she was planning to let it be, she checked the rankings once again. 12th and 13th were moving. They are trying to take over her. She continued the game instantly for the last hours non-stop.
"I'm dying... when will this be over?"
She was so tired. She was so exhausted. Urgh, when will this be over? Urgh, why am I suffering again?

"I am doing this for Maki, right. Don't get swayed."
Last 2 hours. Keep going, and everything will be alright. No matter how much people are trying to get my place, I will keep playing.
"These 2 players are killing me >.>"
"Well think of the other way, that you are killing them too"
"I can't." She told the group about her condition, and everyone was worried. But she doesn't care. She continued playing till the final
moments. 1 run, 2 runs, and the final run in the event. It was 3:45 PM when she did it. She lied on the bed, and passed out at 4 PM sharp.
After-Event Results

From this event, she received 2 Scouting tickets from Completion Rewards, 24 Scouting tickets from Gold and Silver rewards, and 2 Scouting Tickets for reaching Tier 1. The completion reward tickers were used during event, 1 R and 1 SR were received.

Numbers & Stats

Smg2daisy's timetable for the Challenge Festival. This timetable is for motivation purposes because real life stuff might turn up anytime, and this works as a reminder for the tiering and survival. The base goal and target is easy to avoid pressure, but remember that you can do more than planned!
P.S: Since she's from SEA, the date of the event starts from 5 PM of 31st of October. Times might differ from your places, and all times/dates listed here are according to her timezone. (UTC +8:00)
Love Gem Records
Smg2daisy's records of all Love Gems burned during the event. Every time was recorded when she used one and all times are shown as below. Her time zone is UTC +8:00, so you might have a clue about some weird times when the Love Gems were used.
P.S.: (*) upon a time means Love Gems used upon Failure of the song. This only happened once as her touch screen failed to register her taps upon KURURIN Miracle in Round 2.
Day 1 (31st of October)
17:24, 17:44, 18:00, 18:30, 18:44, 19:01, 19:20, 19:32, 19:47, 20:02, 20:19, 20:40, 21:08, 21:19, 21:38, 21:50, 22:04, 22:19, 22:33, 22:46, 23:14
Day 2 (1st of November)
00:06, 00:29, 00:50, 01:15, 01:29, 01:43, 02:00, 02:18, 02:35, 02:53, 03:26, 08:12, 08:26, 08:42, 08:55, 18:49, 19:51, 20:13, 20:39, 21:00, 21:15, 21:33, 21:52, 22:09, 22:25, 22:42, 22:59, 23:18
Day 3 (2nd of November)
00:01, 00:19, 00:34, 00:49, 01:14, 01:37, 01:51, 02:11, 02:41, 15:20, 15:41, 15:59, 16:21, 16:32, 16:50, 17:08, 17:38, 17:52, 23:34, 23:52
Day 4 (3rd of November)
00:09, 00:26, 00:43, 01:01, 01:34, 01:51, 02:06, 17:39, 17:57, 18:13, 18:43, 19:01, 20:40, 21:30, 23:40
Day 5 (4th of November)
00:28, 00:46, 01:01, 01:16, 01:31, 02:10, 02:27, 03:05, 03:38, 03:55, 04:16, 04:36, 05:11, 05:36, 06:39, 07:18, 07:42, 18:24, 19:00, 19:45
Day 6 (5th of November)
06:58, 07:15, 07:47, 08:05, 08:22, 08:37, 10:22, 18:43, 18:57, 19:13, 19:53, 20:13, 20:32, 20:56, 21:24, 23:00, 23:35, 23:55
Day 7 (6th of November)
00:15, 01:11, 01:44, 02:30, 10:21, 10:52, 11:36, 12:13, 12:49, 13:28, 13:42, 17:00, 17:27, 17:48, 18:08, 18:26, 18:56, 19:13, 23:20, 23:36, 23:53
Day 8 (7th of November)
00:19, 00:36, 00:52, 01:05, 01:25, 01:43, 10:19, 10:36, 11:13, 11:31, 11:53, 12:08, 12:34, 13:59, 14:34, 15:26, 15:41, 16:09, 16:28, 16:43, 17:11, 17:27, 17:46, 18:36, 23:07
Day 9 (8th of November)
10:18, 10:40, 11:05, 11:27, 11:41, 11:57, 12:10, 12:49, 15:23, 15:50, 16:07, 16:26, 16:44, 17:02, 17:25, 17:55, 18:12, 18:32, 18:50, 19:12, 19:47, 20:04, 20:29, 20:55, 21:34, 22:12, 22:45, 23:05, 23:22, 23:40
Day 10 (9th of November)
00:10, 00:27, 00:48, 01:08, 01:48, 02:13, 02:31, 02:50, 03:18, 03:36, 03:56, 04:19, 04:42, 04:58, 05:31*, 05:48, 06:12, 06:29, 06:45, 07:04, 07:19, 07:37, 08:05, 08:30, 09:11, 09:25, 09:44, 10:10, 10:29, 10:55, 11:17, 11:45, 12:08, 12:21, 12:49, 13:02, 13:18, 13:32, 13:48, 14:03, 14:16, 14:32, 14:50, 15:04, 15:30
Love Gem used calculations:
Love Gems used upon LP refill
Day 1 - 21
Day 2 - 28
Day 3 - 20
Day 4 - 15
Day 5 - 21
Day 6 - 18
Day 7 - 22
Day 8 - 25
Day 9 - 30
Day 10 - 44
Love Gems used upon song failures
Day 10 - 1
Total Love Gems used:
A grand number of:
Credits, Honorable Mentions and Thanks
"Certain someone" who I asked to not disturb me during events
Jason (Miu in game) who helped me to get my Maki plush and being a Umi fan to talk about
/μ/Takomiya (Elliptic in Discord, #5 player in Maki Challenge Festival)
Mike (Nintendude in Discord, a Love Live Event Streamer in Twitch)
2D-Kun (Kirito8783 in Discord)
kryther (/u/ E C H O in game)
μ/swags (Swagyama in Discord)
/μ/Stellar (Sasha in Love Live Skype Group Chat, /μ/Stellar in game and Discord)
/μ/Skip友 (Skip in Discord, Skip-chan desu in School Idol Tomodachi)
/μ/hopeless (Hopeless in Discord)
/u/Charlee (Charlee in Discord)
友Koi (IAmAKoiFish in Discord and School Idol Tomodachi)
Ai Mikaze
/μ/友Ambi (Ambi Bambi in School Idol Tomodachi)
coolguy (Coolguy in game, #19 player in Maki Challenge Festival)
友Rinon☆りのん (Rinon in School Idol Tomodachi)
Special Parties
KLab EN (I won't do this if I was the one who got affected due to the missing file)
Bot-chan in Discord - who reports the time left of the event time to time
School Idol Tomodachi
SIF Reddit
Discord Server: Mike's Stream
Discord Server: School Idol Festival
Discord Server: SIF Net Idols!
Discord Server: SIT Dash!
Skype Group: Idol Hell (Nico Nico Nii)